Photoshop can help create images and documents to be expressed on a web page. Do you use Photoshop to help with your designs? If not, which formatting tool do you find the most helpful with designs?
So do you think the people at Google go around doing what this guy in the picture above is doing to all of the neighborhoods that they have archived street and satelite footage of on Google Maps? Doesn't that seem like it would be a little cost prohibitive for such a profitable company known for its intelligence and integrity?
Any how, I like the notion that they are wasting their time covering up what seems to be a proper dirt road with a shabby looking dirt road canvas with division lines on it. Wow! Massive stupidity. I've seen what people can do with Photoshop and it is Amazing, but other than in the Fashion, Entertainment Publishing, and Pornography industries I don't think it is being used to purposefully decieve people into thinking something is something else or better than what it actually is.
I bought a couple of lots of land in Southern Colorado, where I have been to or through several times, and have seen the Google Satelite Maps and they are exactly the same as the real thing. I also just recently took a stroll through my old neighborhood in Manhattan, where I grew Up as a Child, via the Google Satelite Steet View Maps and it is my old neighborhood that I was walking through. So I am not sure what people are using Photoshop Editing for, but it is not to Hype Satelite Images displayed on Google of Entire Neighborhoods. A house, a yard, a Street, a Building? Certainly. An entire Neighborhood downloaded directly from Satelite Images on a Google Server? NOT!
I saw Scarlett Johansen get Photoshopped Nude from a fully clothed Picture on You Tube, just recently. Amazing! It is one of the reasons that back in 1997 when I first put an image of my niece online I used Paintshop Pro to blur out her face.
P.S. - If you buy a piece of land online based on the pictures, remember to get the official images and land information from the County Government that the Land is in. When I buy land online, and I do, I immediately go or call the county government and get the surveying and legal information and check out the environmental, demographic, and geographical, and geological information on the land so I am in the know as to what it is that I am buing and I don't just trust a Google Maps Image, but it is important to note that no Google Map Image I have from any of these lots contradicts the County Government Accessor's Information and their Surveying Records or Images.
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